Highlands and Western Isles CAMRA

Grog & Gruel

66 High Street
Fort William
PH33 6AE
Emailku.oc.leurgdnagorg@reebtaerg Telephone(01397) 705078
Real AleFamily FriendlyLunchtime MealsEvening MealsSmokingRestaurantDog FriendlyWiFiServes LocAleLive Music
Opening times: Mon–Thu 12:00-24:00; Fri and Sat 12:00-01:00 next day; Sun 12:30-24:00

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Set on the High Street, The Grog Alehouse is very busy all day every day, with a mix of locals and tourists. Up to six hand pumps, many of the beers local, some regional, make it a regular fixture in the GBG since 1997. The bar menu offers imaginative and interesting grub at affordable prices all day. After five the restaurant upstairs opens and offers a wider selection for the hungry hill walkers! Open mic most Friday evenings.