Glen Hotel
Main StreetNewtonmore
PH20 1DD

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site
This is the first of what is now 200 Real Ale pubs as you enter the branch area travelling North up the A9. For many the Glen was a trailblazer in what was a real ale desert. Chris offers up to four handpumps featuring Cairngorm, Caledonian, Cromarty and guest beers. Real cider is also available in the summer. Good honest pub grub served in the comfy bar, restaurant or outside on trestle tables. Quiz nights and a games room make this a popular evening retreat for locals and visitors alike. With the Monadhliath and Cairngorm mountain ranges on its doorstep hill walkers find the Glen much to their liking. If you followed Monarch of the Glen you may spot some of the locations used during its production. Breakfast available to non residents from 7:30 to 10, and tea / coffee outwith the main food times. Bar is open from 11 every day (12:30 on a Sunday) Other than the CAMRA discount, everyone can enjoy a 10% credit to spend at the Hotel.